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Shilton Parish Council


Neighbourhood Plan

Shilton's Neighbourhood Plan
Shilton Parish Council has taken steps to develop policies which will soon be included in a new Neighbourhood Plan for the parish of Shilton.
It will incorporate the communities of Shilton, Bradwell Village, Stonelands and Sturt.
What is a Neighbourhood Plan?
It is  a new way of helping our local community influence the planning of the area in which we live and work and at the same time preserve  our heritage and conservation area.
The Neighbourhood Plan has been led by members of our community and is part of the Government’s recently revised approach to planning, which aims to give local people more say about what happens in the area in which they live.
It will:
  • Provide a shared vision for the neighbourhood
  • Choose where new homes, and other development should be built
  • Identify and protect local green spaces.
  • Influence how what new buildings should look like
Adopted Neighbourhood plan - Final Version


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