Shilton Parish Council
Shilton, Bradwell Village,
Stonelands & Sturt
Shilton Parish Council is a small local authority whose main objective is to improve the quality of community life. Our prime focus is on topics/projects that are in the interest of the residents of the Parish.
We aim to work with the communities and associations, within our Parish, to ensure a safer and improved environment for all.
In order to maintain the villages within our Parish, we have a number of formal responsibilities. We are the local focal point for consultation on matters such as Planning applications and Strategic Local Planning at both District and County levels.
We work closely with both West Oxfordshire District Council and Oxfordshire County Council.
Shilton Parish Council is the elected local government body responsible for:
Bradwell Village, Shilton, Stonelands and Sturt.
Shilton Parish Council Members:
Mr David Cuthbertson Chairman
Mr Andrew Bray Councillor
Mr Andrew Pearson Councillor
Mr Stephen Harrison Councillor
Mrs Sarah Royle Councillor
Ms Julie Alden Clerk to the Council
Do you have any concerns or questions?
Please direct to the Clerk in the first instance.