Shilton Parish Council
Shilton, Bradwell Village,
Stonelands & Sturt
Shilton Associations

Shilton Old School Management
Shirley Cuthbertson Secretary
Tel: 01993 842404
The Village Hall Management Committee manages the Village Hall, opposite the Church, which used to be the Village School.
The Old School is a registered charity and the committee is responsible for maintaining the building for the use of the people of Shilton.
It is also the principal organiser (working with the PCC) of social and fund-raising events in the village.

Shilton Welfare Trust
Marilyn Cox Secretary
Tel: 01993 842470
The Trust was set up in 1970 when several small local charities were amalgamated by the Charity Commissioners.
These were originally set up to alleviate hardship or provide education for village children. Allottments were also provided in the field on the corner of Alvescot Road. In 1971, as demand for allotments diminished, the field was rented to a local farmer where it remains today under a secure agricultural tenancy.
For details of how the Trust may help you, please do get in touch.
All applications or queries will be treated in absolute confidence.

Shilton Church of the Holy Rood
Church Lane, OX18 4AE
The Rev'd Harry MacInnes
Tel: 01993 845954
Shilton Baptist Chapel:
We are unsure as to whether the church is of Saxon or Norman origin. However, the Cistercian Abbey of Beaulieu was responsible for most of the building work. The Church’s font is probably Norman: its fine, high-relief carving of the Passion of Christ and raised legs are 14th Century.
Baptisms take place as part of the Parish Communion service on Sunday mornings
There are two or three Communion services a month plus occasional
Matins and Evensong services
Visitors are always welcome
For more information on service times go to

Shilton Baptist Church
Church Lane, OX18 4AE
Elizabeth Harfield
Tel: 01993 843444
The Chapel first opened as a village church in 1830 and belonged to the Burford Baptists, since then it has become an independent Baptist Chapel.
Informal meetings are held on the first Sunday of the month
Every other Sunday services are led by different pastors and lay preachers
Communion is taken at the end of service on the second Sunday of the month
Services times: Sunday 6pm April to September
Sunday 3pm October to March